Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Google Nexus not made by HTC?

Rumors indicate that Chinese device maker Huawei could end up assembling the Google Nexus 2016 flagship phone and the chief reason is, Taiwan's HTC has decided to back out of the coveted project. A new report claims that in skipping the next Nexus, HTC is actually protecting its flagship HTC 10.
A news article published by the Daily Sun claimed that sales trajectory of the HTC 10 is heading north and to keep that trend, the struggling device maker is likely to pass up on the Nexus 2016 project. Recent reports said that Google has inked a deal with HTC for the latter to produce two Pure Android handsets this year - a mid-range variant and a premium edition that will largely replicate the Nexus 2015 release last year.
However, the project would not push through after all with HTC belatedly realizing that a Nexus smartphone that mirror the design, build, specs and features of its current flagship "would cannibalize the sales of the HTC 10." The report added that given a choice between the HTC 10 and a Nexus counterpart that runs on stock Android, buyers might skip the original in favor of the Google-sanctioned device.
Naturally, HTC dreads such a scenario and would want to prevent it from happening so the best decision is to allow others to pick up on the Nexus project from Google.
Google and Huawei, HTC including, have yet to comment on the matter but speculations are rife that the sequel to last year's Pure Android device will touchdown at around the same time that Android N is ready to rock and roll with uncompressed Google Photo storage as among the exclusive features for Nexus device.

Courtesy of Yibada

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