Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wearable tech and "Band Aid Batteries"

Wearable tech might actually be the future if only low battery life wasn't keeping it down. Most developers of wearables rely on advances in processor efficiency than hoping for a new battery life. A new development might be the advancement wearables really need —in fact, they can be worn just as easily as the wearable tech they'll power.

These are batteries that can be applied to the skin like a Band-Aid and could even recharge with exposure to sunlight.
A team cut a regular lithium ion battery into very thin tiles, and then tied those tiles together  with wires to make them all a singular power source. These were then embedded within multiple rubber layers, creating a battery that is stretchable, mobile, rechargeable and even waterproof.

Beyond integration into clothing, there's the potential for "chip-scale microelectromechanical technologies, radio devices, mechanical/thermal energy harvesting" and other devices which would need tiny, flexible batteries.

Technology is making leaps and bounds everyday! Don't forget to properly dispose of your old tech; check out for more on proper disposable.

Courtesy of Popular Mechanics 

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