Friday, May 20, 2016

Purism builds a secure tablet

Purism, proud makers of one of the first truly open laptops, is moving into the world of pro-level tablets. Their latest product, the Librem 11, is a tablet that runs any GNU/Linux version (they recommend the ultra-secure Qubes) and can double as a laptop.

The company made waves with their 15 and 13 laptops and they are bringing the same level of security to the $1,299 tablet. While that’s a bit steep remember that this is custom hardware with security built in including hardware kill switches for WiFi, the camera, GPS, and cellular data.

Obviously a secure tablet like this isn’t for everyone. You can definitely get a cheaper device but, according to Purism, you’re paying for privacy and control. According to the Indiegogo page the tablet is “designed to help protect you from ad trackers, malware, ransomware, and surveillance capitalism” and “no identification is required to use or install applications.”

When you are ready to upgrade your tablet sell your old one at

Courtesy of TechCrunch

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